Arnside Boys putting Waverunner into good use.
>> Tuesday, 22 September 2009
K38 UK received an email from Coastguard sector manager Chris Turner regarding a rescue that had taken place at the weekend using one HM Coastguards newest assets. The Arnside team are the first Coastguard unit to utilise a PWC (Personal Watercraft) or Jet Ski as they are more commonly referred to and K38 UK ( provided the bespoke training program for the team tailored to suit the difficult conditions they face.
The Arnside Rescue Boat was taken out of service but it soon became apparent that a more suitable replacement was needed. After K38 UK successfully completed a series of trial days at Arnside the watercraft was deemed suitable for the location and the wheels were set in motion to get the first members of the team trained. Thanks must go to the Coastguard team of Chris Turner, Davy Thompson and Richard Hackwell who have helped get the PW at Arnside.
Arnside sits on the Kent Estuary, which is a very dynamic stretch of water with numerous different environmental factors combining to create treacherous conditions. The combination of huge tidal flows and quick sand test the local HM Coastguard team who are on call to deal with emergency situations.
The team are utilising a Yamaha Waverunner fitted with a rescue board which at low tide can be operated in the very shallow waters but is also suited to the high speed (swiftwater) conditions seen at high tide. On Spring tides when the water flow is at it strongest and water levels reach their highest and a wave is produced known as a 'Tidal bore' that travels up the estuary with the incoming tide. The 'bore' is popular with canoeist who attempt to ride the river wave and unfortunately one such canoeist got into difficulties, for more details follow the link below.
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