>> Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Portland Coastguard have been co-ordinating assistance this evening to the two occupants of a red jet ski which capsized off Southbourne beach near Groyne 50, just past the pier.

The jet ski riders were thrown into the water and immediately began shouting and screaming for help whilst holding on to the upturned hull. Fortunately they were wearing lifejackets but were drifting whilst holding onto the quickly submerging vessel. Various public spirited members of the public immediately phoned the coastguard using 999.

The Poole inshore lifeboat was immediately asked to assist and the Southbourne Coastguard Rescue Team were sent to the beach. An ambulance was also called.

The weather at the time was strong winds force 6 increasing to gale force 8 with good visibility.

One person soon made it ashore, but it quickly became apparent that another person who was in the water could not swim and was clinging onto the upturned hull.

The Poole inshore lifeboat then managed to retrieve the individual from the water and both were taken to Bournemouth hospital by ambulance for check up.

Allan Norman, Watch Manager at Portland Coastguard said

The crew of the inshore lifeboat and our own Coastguard Rescue Team have now managed to secure the drifting jet ski. The two Polish occupants seems to have been suffering from hypothermia, and with the water at around 11 degrees Celsius at present it does not take a long immersion in water for such a condition to set in. Fortunately both people were wearing lifejackets which no doubt contributed towards their successful rescue, particularly for the non swimmer!

This also follows recent incidents where various other Polish people have got into difficulty along the coastline whether falling from cliffs, or undergoing problems at the shoreline or in the water.

We would reiterate our central message that by dialing 999 and asking for the Coastguard we can get assistance to you as quickly as possible. For other details such as tide times or weather conditions then a call to our Ops Room on 01305 760439 and we will be able to advise you on your planned trip.


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