Tom Pohaku Stone and Darrick Doerner drove to Molokai to attend the DLNR public hearing for educational purposes representing Kanalu K38. On behalf of our non-profit educational organization affiliated with national boating associations, dedicated towards advancing boater education and address PWC related issues.
Pohaku suiting up for the channel crossing with DD on Oahu
May 5, 2008 Darrick Doerner meets Tom Pohaku Stone at Kaneohe Bay. Their team transit across the channel landed them early to refuel their personal watercraft for the trip home later that afternoon. Tom has crossed all the channels of Hawai'i on very different types of watercraft, a jetski, canoe, a windsurfer, swam, paddled on a surfboard than anyone else alive today. He prefers to travel by water rather than going by plane, and also the economics are complimentary. It is his rightful Hawai'ian heritage to follow his ancestral transits. Darrick's pedigree as a waterman of legendary status is world renowned.
Pohaku and Darricks Waverunners tied off on Molokai's inside Harbor
This is Tom's lifestyle, it is who he is as a native, he is comfortable out there, he knows the currents, where he is going. He doesn't cross it for grandstanding. He does this because it is his mode of transportation, he is using a modern craft. "In respect to the PWC restrictions, eleven foot craft are allowed to cross these channels with less capabilities, slower speeds and not as safe versus a well educated and prepared personal watercraft operator" adds Tom.
There are at least 40 personal watercraft on the island of Molokai unofficially . One person has been ticketed, other than Tom Stone and Darrick Doerner who received 4 violations total to attend this public meeting. Tom and Darrick left for attendees the cards for Hawai'ian boater education.
Mitchel Pauole Community Center DLNR PWC meeting
Legalizing jet ski riding would require a change to the administrative rules of the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DBOR). This process would require various public hearings on a draft rule change. In addition approval by the Board of Land and Natural Resources, review by the Small Business Regulatory Review Board and Department of the Attorney General, and final signature by the Governor, before the new rules can take effect. There is a petition that is circulating by residents to revoke the PWC ban that is currently in affect. This meeting was due to the concerns of local residents who want access to use their vessel of choice, a personal watercraft, referred to in Hawai'i as 'Thrill Craft'.
Tom and Darrick listened to both the 90% of supporters in attendance for PWC access and the complaints which were represented by approximately 10% of the meeting participants. Their concerns are valid on both sides, the educational and enforcement issues as well as environmental concerns that affect all boaters, including personal watercraft owners. Personal Watercraft should not be discriminated against due to the vessel type. Proven results in boating education efforts nationwide have seen a vast decrease in injury/accidents and the manufacture designs of four stroke technology have produce the most environmentally friendly boats on the water today. "It was a good thing to hear what the people had to say" says Darrick who operates SEA Adventures to educate his clients in water safety along with enjoying their time on the water.
"Are small boat harbors discriminatory against certain types of craft for provisions, repair or refueling? Harbors are places for vessels to refuel and for boating safety concerns, a refuge. To deny a vessel to come into port for safety purposes, peoples lives are at stake. This becomes a discriminatory issue that can lead to sacrificing lives. People will think 'I don't want to pay a huge fine, or get arrested', which could cause an emergency distress call instead which costs taxpayers thousands upon thousands of dollars and risks additional lives for searches and recovery." States Tom Stone.
Shawn Alladio
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